Two Bills on the House Floor TODAY, April 3rd, and an Update on the Ivermectin Bill!
Send a message to your state representative NOW about HB46 & HB47!
Two bills we are following closely will receive a vote on the House floor today, meaning all members of the House will vote. It should be interesting to see WHO votes against these two common sense bills.
Both bills are by Rep Kathy Edmonston.
HB46 will prohibit schools from requiring covid vaccination for school attendance. This legislation passed last year but was vetoed by Edwards. Please send a message to your state representative and ask them to vote YES on HB46.
HB47 will simply require schools to provide parents and students with vaccine exemption information. Louisiana State School Superintendent Dr. Cade Brumley recently ensured that this information will be added to Bulletin 741, a guidebook for every school in the state, for public and non-public schools — an excellent indicator that there will be no future impediment to this legislation.
These bills are extremely popular with the public and the majority of the legislature. HB46 received a blue card in support from Governor Landry during the committee hearing! Please send a message to your state rep and ask them to vote YES on these two bills and let’s get them passed out of the House and on to the Senate!
Update on bills in committee today…
HB312 by Rep Chuck Owen which would make ivermectin an over-the-counter drug, no prescription required, passed the House Health and Welfare Committee!
HB306 by Rep Owen was deferred until next week and HB256 by Rep Horton was removed from the agenda. We will let you know when these bills are back in committee.
The legislative session is underway once again!! We could really use your help filling up our gas tanks as we make the treck to Baton Rouge to fight for your health freedom!
If you find value in our work, please consider donating to us to help fund our efforts. We are 100% volunteer and do not get paid, but we give our time to research, inform, and empower others because we know it’s critical to maintaining our liberties. Parents must know their rights so they can protect their freedom.
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