Republish: Ready to Talk Politics? Here's Your Common Ground: Make Pharma Liable Again
Drugs routinely given to our children should have product liability.
We are republishing this article from November 22, 2023. See the latest Call to Action at the end.
Friends, there is one political topic that should be welcome at every table: pharmaceutical companies should be liable for the safety of their products, especially those administered to our children. As we shared in previous articles, Congress has shielded vaccine manufacturers from all liability related to vaccines added to the childhood schedule - even if they are administered to adults - with the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) in 1986.
Our friends at Stand for Health Freedom have created some very helpful infographics to aid in the discussions, along with an informative, printable pdf with helpful facts: Overview of the Vaccine Injury Act, Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

As you gather with family and friends over the next several days and weeks, we hope you will confidently convey the message: Make Pharma Liable Again!
Since publishing this article originally in November 2023, U.S. Representative Paul Gosar of AZ introduced legislation that would allow those injured by a vaccine to sue for injury or death that resulted from vaccination.
We recently went to D.C. to advocate for the passage of H.R. 9828, End the Vaccine Carevout Act. Read about our advocacy below:
This legislation will likely pass after the 119th Congress is sworn in next year. Click on the button below to send a message to your congressmen and tell them to amend NVCIA and Make Pharma Liable Again by passing H.R. 9828!