Louisiana Department of Health's misinformation makes national news.
But you heard it from us first.
Louisiana Department of Health is finally getting the national recognition it deserves in an article published 11/1/22 by Epoch Times.
Below is an excerpt from “Officials Across United States Spread Misinformation on COVID-19 Vaccines”:
Officials across the United States are continuing to spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, The Epoch Times has found.
The claims include unsupported or misleading statements about vaccine effectiveness and safety.
The vast majority of officials responsible for the misinformation were unable or unwilling to provide evidence backing their claims.
The Louisiana Department of Health is among those exaggerating vaccine effectiveness. The agency claims in a promotional message that the vaccines “are 100% effective at preventing serious hospitalizations and deaths.”
The message does not cite any evidence and the department did not respond to a request for comment.
Clinical trials for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines estimated effectiveness against severe illness at 100 percent, but studies since then have shown the protection starts much lower and drops quickly. That’s led to the clearance and recommendation of boosters, which confer a boost that also wanes.
Louisiana’s statement is one of many that rely on data from 2021, before the Omicron virus variant emerged, or even 2020. That data has little connection with the present state of the pandemic.
Health Freedom Louisiana has been drawing attention to the false and misleading claims made not only by Louisiana Department of Health but also Governor John Bel Edwards for the last several years. After covid shots were granted Emergency Use Authorization for children as young as 6 months over the summer, we drafted a letter to the Louisiana Legislature to draw their attention to the appalling falsehoods coming from LDH. Their departure from facts and into fantasy land took twelve pages to detail. You can read it here:
It's Time to Protect Louisiana Children
Will we ever know the impact of the egregiously false information supplied by Louisiana Department of Health?
Probably not. Between the damage caused by these experimental drugs, the lack of informed consent, and the false claims of safety and effectiveness made to Louisianans by the agency charged with public health, it is nearly impossible to quantify the fallout.
Now that a national news outlet has drawn attention to the propensity for falsehood from health agencies across the country, perhaps the media in Louisiana will take notice.
That would take intellectual curiosity and a smidgeon of integrity, so we won’t hold our breath.
How can you help?
Please join us in requesting of the legislature that they demand LDH to withdraw their recommendation for covid vaccination for infants and children and for LDH to provide informed consent as required by federal law to Louisiana citizens.
Go to our Advocacy page on our website and complete each of these 3 campaigns (all you have to do is enter your contact information on the forms and hit submit):
Ask your legislators to withdraw the recommendation for covid vaccination for infants and children.
We are seeking a joint resolution from the House and Senate Health and Welfare Committees to (1) withdraw the recommendation for covid vaccination for infants and children AND (2) ensure parents are given informed consent in regards to covid vaccination.
Sign the petition to have Governor John Bel Edwards ask Secretary of Health Phillips and State Health Officer Kanter to resign. We must have honest and competent leadership at LDH.
Add your name to the petition to have LDH withdraw their recommendation for covid shots for infants and children.
Make your outrage heard.
Share this with family and friends! There’s power in numbers!