In His mercy, the Lord has gifted us with incredible friendships over the last several years to help us persevere in our work and in our faith. Among the saints He placed on our path was Kathryn Goppelt.
Kathryn was absolutely fearless in her efforts to preserve and protect the freedoms many Americans take for granted. She has long been active with political issues in Louisiana, including advocating against common core. We met her just as the pandemic hit as she began her work as Legislative Assistant to State Representative Kathy Edmonston. In that role, she shined and became an invaluable asset to us and the citizens of Louisiana.
While many in the legislature remained ignorant of the plight caused by medical mandates - whether it was masks, vaccinations, or testing - Kathryn stayed informed and engaged. She has written countless letters to employers and universities on behalf of constituents in her district and for many who were not. She sent numerous people our way so we could help educate them on the state’s vaccination law for school attendance.
Kathryn’s courage and boldness were inspiring and stood in stark contrast to the cowardice and ignorance imbued by many in state government. She was a champion for children, families, and life unimpeded by government overreach.
She was faithful in prayer and prayed often in our conversations, many times moving seamlessly from conversation to prayer. She knew our hope was in the Lord.
On Sunday, October 16, 2022, we lost our dear friend. And though we will miss her greatly, we are again encouraged by her life and faith - Kathryn is home.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. . . Hebrews 12:1
This patriot & lovely lady fought hard and rallied for freedom alongside Pastor Tony Spell! From March 2020 till she drew her last breath! Rest in Paradise!
Such a great loss for Louisiana citizens.