October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month.
The amount above, $4,905,627,569.82, does not reflect any compensation for injuries from covid vaccines. It is the amount paid out by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) as of October 1, 2022, for injuries or deaths associated with vaccines currently on the CDC recommended childhood schedule.
Has your pediatrician ever told you about The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)?
This federal law removes liability from vaccine manufacturers and administering physicians for vaccine-related injury or death, meaning you cannot sue them if your child is injured or killed by a vaccine.
Would you want to know before you submit your child to a medical procedure that you have no legal recourse against the administering physician or manufacturer if your child is harmed or killed from that procedure? Seems like that would be required for informed consent, no?
Section 300aa-22(b)(1) of the federal law states:
(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
When and why was the National Vaccine Injury Program and VICP created by Congress?
Pharmaceutical lobbyists used fear to convince legislators that the industry’s inability to continue to pay compensation for the injuries that resulted from the use of their products would reduce vaccination rates and result in a resurgence in childhood illnesses. Instead of demanding they make safer vaccines, Congress gave them a get-out-of-jail-free-card and removed all product liability.
Fear sells and controls.
The result?
An exponential increase in the amount of vaccines given to children, with no end in sight - 73 doses by age 18 (prior to the addition of covid vaccination)
The massive burden of disease eradication from those 73 doses (and counting), placed directly on infants and children.
The death of science - ignoring scientific truths regarding the immune system and herd immunity in order to advance the vaccine religion - Why look at any other factors when vaccines can “prevent” disease with the added bonus of ZERO LIABILITY for an ineffective and/or unsafe product?
The removal of an essential market indicator of product safety: litigation. This creates a false sense of security amongst consumers and practitioners. So much so that almost all vaccine adverse events go unreported (along with the fact that the vast majority of physicians have never even heard of the vaccine adverse event reporting system, VAERS, or know how to submit a report).
A study commissioned by the CDC and performed by Harvard Pilgrim HMO determined that greater than 99% of all vaccine injuries go unreported. Researchers determined that:
“. . .fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.”
And yet data from 2013-2014 shows that vaccine adverse events account for almost 20% of emergency room visits for patients 5 years old and younger, second only to antibiotic adverse events.
In addition to being informed of the no liability issue, vaccine recipients (or their parents, if minors) must be made aware of the existence of VAERS and how to file a report, if necessary, including the fact that there is no time limit for filing a VAERS report, but there IS a limit for filing for injury or death compensation through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) - 2 years* for death, 3 years* for injury. Details on how to file a VAERS report and file for compensation can be found on our webpage, Reporting Vaccine Reactions & Injuries.
*These time limits are not the same for covid vaccine-related injury, which is processed through CICP and has a much shorter compensation filing deadline of one year.
Is it any surprise that the effort to remove liability from the vaccine industry for vaccine-related injury and death was led by Democrats in Congress in 1986? Then Senator Joe Biden more than likely voted for it as Senator Henry Waxman and Senator Ted Kennedy both championed the legislation. As covid has taught us, the Democrat vision for public health involves removal of civil liberties, which is in direct contrast of what was meant by “general welfare” in the Constitution - the preservation of individual, civil liberties. But Republicans are not free from fault. It was Republican President Ronald Reagan who signed the 1986 bill into law. It was a Republican majority in both our Louisiana House and the Senate that blocked every single health freedom bill this past session. It was the Republican Conservative Caucus that did not have the votes to add vaccine mandates as an issue they were willing to fight.
It is time we demand from Congress they repeal, or at minimum, critically review and revise the NCVIA. We recently visited with the Republican members of the Louisiana congressional delegation and asked for three simple revisions:
As a matter of informed consent, vaccine recipients must be made aware that they cannot bring a civil action for vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine.
A recipient retains a right to refuse vaccination with a vaccine covered under this program without fear of retribution or discrimination.
Individuals may bring a civil action against the vaccine manufacturer for vaccine-related injury or death if the Secretary fails to fulfill obligations under 42 U.S.C. §300aa–-27 (spoiler alert: the Secretary has already failed, for decades).
The election is a little over a week away. Vote for candidates who are willing to make health freedom and individual rights a priority. Also, be on the lookout from us for a push to bring awareness to this important issue after the election.
It is time to make pharma liable again.
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