Braving Freedom Legislative Update 🇺🇸
A look at the week ahead, where is HB47 and, finally, our bill list for 2024!
Because of weather closures last Wednesday, we only had one bill in committee last week — HB288 by Rep Beryl Amedee, a bill we call A Voice for the Voiceless. HB288 will require an infant’s immunization history to be included in an autopsy for any child that dies unexpectedly and without explanation, one year of age or younger. I’ve included the (edited) video below of the very brief hearing so you can see the difficulty the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have with this bill.
Did you catch Rep LaFleur’s question about the bill, “It has nothing to do with the anti-vax agenda?” Rep Landry seemed desperate to find someone to object to the bill too. But why? Why would anyone object to including any aspect of an infant’s medical history in an autopsy if that infant dies without explanation? And why haven’t they always done this? As Jill shared in her testimony, infants receive 43 doses of 13 different vaccines by one year of age including those received while in utero. As of this year, two new vaccines have been added to this age group, with no studies to confirm the safety of receiving these shots in combination.
What does the new shot schedule look like?
Highlighted in the image below are the shots a child will receive in the first year of life, including those received while in utero, if the parents follow the CDC recommended schedule.
Thankfully, Rep Amedee’s HB288 passed without opposition and will go before the full House for a floor vote this week.
Go ahead and contact your state rep and ask them to vote YES on HB288!
A look at what’s in committee on Monday, April 15th…
In committee on Monday, April 15th, is another bill authored by Rep Amedee, HB866, A Right to Refuse an EUA or PREP Mandate. This bill will provide a medical Right to Refuse any “biologic, vaccine, drug, pharmaceutical, medical device, gene therapy, DNA-based product, or RNA-based product which has been Authorized for Emergency Use or is a declared a countermeasure through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act,” without fear of discrimination or job loss. Send a statement of support for HB866 NOW!
What other bills are in committee this week?
HB813, HB815, HB822, HB958, and HB256! Be on the lookout for more Calls to Action tomorrow! In the meantime, read more about these bills and the rest of our favorites in the list below.
HB306 by Rep Chuck Owen, No Patient Left Alone, ensures that those individuals receiving in-patient care will have access to a designated person. Rep Owen is bringing back his No Patient Left Alone Act to ensure patients will have access to a designated caregiver while hospitalized.
HB711 by Representative Jay Galle, Parents Call the Shots, requires that parents be present and receive a vaccine information sheet as a matter of informed consent prior to vaccination of their minor child.
HB866 by Rep Beryl Amedee, A Right to Refuse an EUA or PREP Mandate, provides a right to refuse a drug, pharmaceutical, biologic, or vaccine authorized for emergency use or considered a countermeasure under the PREP Act. Also, prohibits discrimination based on that refusal.
HB25 by Rep Danny McCormick, Protecting Businesses Protects Employees, provides that businesses that DO NOT mandate an experimental or emergency vaccine will not be civilly liable.
HB46 by Rep Kathy Edmonston, Stop Covid Jab Requirement for Schools, prohibits schools from requiring covid vaccination for school attendance.
HB47 by Rep Kathy Edmsonston, Don't Be Fooled by Schools, requires schools to inform parents and students of the state’s already existing vaccine exemption law.
HB87 by Rep Michael Echols, You Mandate, You Pay, prohibits the requirement of covid vaccination for employment in the public and private sector. Imposes a $50,000 fine.
HB809 by Rep Jay Gallé, The CDC Does not Govern LA, will restrict the authority of the CDC in Louisiana. What most people don't realize with the very popular WHO bill moving through the legislature is that the CDC can and will implement any WHO regulations the US adopts if the treaty and amendments are agreed upon. The CDC is, by far, the bigger threat.
HB288 by Rep Beryl Amedee, A Voice for the Voiceless, will require coroners to include an infant’s immunization records in an autopsy of a child who dies without explanation one year of age or younger.
SB133 by Sen Thomas Pressly, WHO? Not in LA!, restricts the authority of the WHO, WEF, and UN in Louisiana.
SB357 by Sen Alan Seabaugh, Balance the Power, clarifies the right of the legislature to end an executive order extending a declared emergency.
HB256 by Rep Dodie Horton, Parents Can Consent, Not Minors, ensures that minors may not consent to medical procedures.
HB357 by Rep Beryl Amedee, Stay Free Reject CBDC, prohibits the establishment of a Central Bank Digital Currency as a valid bank account in Louisiana.
HB312 by Rep Chuck Owen, Ivermectin only with a prescription? We say neigh!, will allow ivermectin to be sold over the counter without a prescription.
HB822 by Rep Peter Egan, What’s in it?, will require donated mRNA vaccinated blood to be labeled as such.
HB815 by Rep Beth Billings, LDH: Truth in Advertising, will require LDH to follow FDA regulations relating to advertising for drugs, pharmaceuticals, and vaccine-related products.
HB813 by Rep Kathy Edmonston, A Right to Prescribe, will protect a physician's right to write prescriptions off-label.
HB908 by Rep Beryl Amedee, No Exemption Discrimination, provides that students who submit an exemption for vaccine requirements will not be discriminated against.
HB914 by Rep Beryl Amedee, Banking for All, prohibits discrimination in banking based on, amongst other things, political speech.
HB958 by Rep Beryl Amedee, Kickbacks Prohibit Access to Care, provides that health insurers shall not incentivize vaccination beyond the contracted reimbursement.
HB467 by Rep Kim Coates, Taste of Liberty, will allow for the sale of raw milk
HB608 by Rep Roger Wilder, What is a Woman?, places in statute the definition of man and woman with the intention of protecting women. We like this bill because it forces the acknowledgement of the most basics of biology and will require state agencies like LDH to admit that only women can give birth. LDH routinely use the phrase “birthing person.”
HB110 by Rep Chuck Owen, Know Your Accuser, after the conclusion of an investigation or other ethics board action on a complaint and upon written request by the person who is subject to an investigation or complaint other than a public servant or agency, the ethics board shall furnish the requestor with the name of the complainant.
Don’t forget to send emails to legislators in regards to the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad amendment added by Rep Jessica Domangue to Rep Edmonston’s HB47! Read about it in the article below!
Join us at Louisiana Health Freedom Day on Friday, April 19th!
Come to Louisiana Health Freedom Day at Revolution Square, 9500 Blackwater Road in Central LA 70818.
— 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 19 —
Tickets are only $60 and includes lunch!
Or text word HEALTH2024 to 225-351-7481 to register by text.
The legislative session is underway once again!! We could really use your help filling up our gas tanks as we make the treck to Baton Rouge to fight for your health freedom!
If you find value in our work, please consider donating to us to help fund our efforts. We are 100% volunteer and do not get paid, but we give our time to research, inform, and empower others because we know it’s critical to maintaining our liberties. Parents must know their rights so they can protect their freedom.
For media inquiries, please email
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